Online diaries, journals, and personal weblogs by authors in, from or with strong ties to Hawai`i. Some are day-to-day chronologies, others are collected, periodic ramblings. All are among my regular reads. This page is no longer being maintained, but is left online as a digital artifact of simpler times.
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Back on the wagon via Blogger.
One of three goths on the Big Island.
Queen of the dot, dot, dot...
On her way to Idaho.
Miss April "Apple" Ann of Lahaina, Maui.
Spam musubi and nori chicken.
Nobody has a name like Modjeska.
Life, love & the pursuit of geekiness.
Hanging on in quiet desperation is the english way.
Watashi no namae wa jimmy desu!
Thriving on motherhood.
Big friggin deal.
Awesome, delicious, totally great and mindblowing.
What if this is it?
It should have been different.
Did I reach simplicity?
Kimi ga ima saigo no megami ni mieru...
Simon vs. the Volcano.
Fifty-five percent gay.
Firefly fans.
I try to be happy, but I have my moments.
" Hmm," by Wilbur K.M. Wong.
Lung Kong... hardcore.
Now it has someplace to sit.
Stick a fork in me, I'm done.
Front-row seats in Hawaii's newspaper war.
Little ol' me.
Miss Imi-K, licensed to drive.
Disgusted, but proud nonetheless.
Ask the ouija board.
On his way to San Diego.
The language of blue.
The end of the beginning.
Guys just suck.
Afflicted with the dreaded geek bug.
And dad missed the big game.
These things add up.
Safe surfing.
Hmm confused? Well so am I.
Daydream about summer.
Never will my words do me justice.
But last night I just felt like dancing.
Basically a nerdy couch potato.
A world-weary, music-loving urban nomad.
Pay no attention to the incoherent ramblings.
Tasty. Or so she says.
Stewed, screwed, and tattooed.
That's OK, and you're right, let's just be friends.
The sexiest man alive.
Always in need of a bubble drink.
Quite purple.
Emotions and feelings pent up within me.
Score 44 on the personality test.
The dishes went unwashed.
A pile of Macs at home.
Just wanted to share.
School was okies.
Taken in by surprise.
" Three" by Caley and Neal.
Thrilled yet sad.
Thoughts on the state of this world.
Fire good.
Hiyos spaghettios.
From a letter never sent.
Let's get whimsical.
Makikilo kickass.
Across the Sea:
Silicon Valley, California
Springfield, Virginia
Augusta, Georgia
Seattle, Washington
Santa Clara, California
Seattle, Washington
Albuquerque, New Mexico
" Hmmn," by Kurt Easterwood. NEW!
Tokyo, Japan
Monterey Bay, California
Los Angeles, California.
Montgomery, Alabama
Friends came and went.
Manila, Philippines
Bakersfield, California
Washington, D.C.
Salinas, California
Seattle, Washington
Wadsworth, Ohio
San Francisco, California
Austin, Texas
Las Vegas, Nevada
New York
Washington, D.C.
Seattle, Washington.
Austin, Texas
Visit the vault for more secretive sites and remnants of journals long since abandoned.
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